21 / 01 / 2022

Invitation to DESY Industry Satellite Meeting- 25th Jan 2022, 1:00 – 3:00 pm, Online
- Keynote Henning Fehrmann, FEHRMANN Tech Group: The central challenge to all of us: How to build resilient supply chains
- Dr. Marc Thiry, Hereon: When additive manufacturing meets large facilities
- Dr. Bernhard Hesse, Xploraytion GmbH: Chances and challenges of synchrotron µCT imaging for metal additive manufacturing in industrial application
- Dr. Ulrich Lienert, DESY: Characterization of bulk metals by high-energy synchrotron radiation at the Swedish Materials Science beamline P21.2
- Dr. Pere Barriobero Vila, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR): Insights into alloy and part development for laser-based metal additive manufacturing
- Prof. Dr. Andreas Stierle, DESY: The DESY Nanolab
- Dr. Antony Vamvakeros, Finden: Chemical tomography for investigating materials and devices
You are welcome to register for using the link below. If you want to participate the webinar about metal 3D printing, please register via activating the checkbox “Accelerating the industrialization of metal 3D printing”:
We are looking forward to welcoming you virtually!
Kind regards,
Henning Fehrmann & Dr. Nadja Kölpin and Dr. Sabine Brock (DESY)
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